And thematic concerts based on the recordings of La Maurache :

The Paris of François Villon, Ballads at the XVth century,
Collection  Les Ecrivains et la Musique   CD MUZA : AL/EN 2005 02
Preface of the book : Jean Favier, Member of the Institut de France. English translation : Paola D’Alba
This CD gives us, in and around the works of  François Villon, french medieval poet very important, a tonal picture of the XVth century and more particularly a picture of Paris toward the end of the Middle Ages.
Songs, Motets (Ms. De Bayeux, Dufay, Binchois, Hayne van Guizeghem, Delahaye, Morton…), Chimes ( Douai bell tower), Basses-dances, Instrumental pieces...
A record of History in Music...

Guillaume de Machaut (1300-1377) Post-card CD  AL/EN 2004
Poet and champenois Musician, at the service of  Jean l’Aveugle, count of Luxembourg and king of  Bohemia.
Guillaume de Machaut and the Ars Nova in Europe during XIVth century (France, England, Bohemia, Flandres, Poland).
Catherine Schroeder and La Maurache, Journées du Patrimoine 2003, Amis du Donjon de Droizy, Aisne, France (ADD).

Music and Songs during Middle ages and Renaissance
11 titles from XIIIth to XVIIth century
Rondet de Carole, virelai de G. de Machaut, conduit, basse-dance, frottole, danceries, Ronsard, contre-dances de J. Playford
A small record of présentation, résumé of the repertory of our ensemble

To be published soon :
Picardie, Land of Music, from the trouvères to the Renaissance  Post-card CD  AL/EN 2005
Gautier de Coinci, Raoul de Soissons, Richard de Fournival, le Chatelain de Coucy, Richard de Semilly…
Catherine Schroeder and La Maurache, Journées du Patrimoine 2004, ADD Droizy, Aisne, France
